The Florida Timeshare Owners Group Ends – A Message from Frank Debar
The Florida Timeshare Owners Group – A Message to our Members, and our Many Friends
To Members, Industry Leaders, and Supporters of FTOG.
After 15 years of existence as an organization dedicated to providing information and assistance to our nation’s TimeSharing public, I find it necessary to inform our membership that our Group’s activities will come to an end, effective Dec. 31st 2018.
Members will continue to receive our E-Newsletters for the remainder of this year, but further meetings will not be scheduled.Therefore, our previously scheduled November 11th meeting will not be held.
It has certainly been my pleasure, over the years, to help advance the mission of informing & advising our membership of the many facets involving timeshare ownership, and how unit-owners could enhance and truly appreciate the many opportunities and enjoyments related to interval vacation ownership, to share tips on proper purchase and sales procedures, to promote and utilize the multiple timeshare exchange options available, and most of all, to offer members of our Group the opportunity to meet, discuss, and share their multiple and varied experiences, interests, and concerns, as well as requesting and obtaining specific factual timeshare-related information and advice from our FTOG Officers, our Board Members, and our many invited Guest Speakers, who all most ably represented the entire range of the varied and significant segments of the timeshare vacation experience, over the years.
In closing, it has indeed been a pleasure for me to be personally associated with so many like-minded individuals who volunteered their time and their services in order for us to achieve our many initial objectives, as set forth in 2004.
My sincere thanks are gratefully extended to each of our FTOG Officers and Board Members for their continuous willingness to volunteer their time and efforts in contributing to our endeavors, over the years.
I would also like to express my thanks to the individual who initially encouraged me to create and administer the Florida Timeshare Owners Group, Mr. Shep Altshuler, Publisher, TimeSharing Today Magazine. His continuous support of our Group’s efforts has always been recognized and greatly appreciated.
Frank Debar, Chmn.
Florida Timeshare Owners Group