TimeSharing Today
Trusted by Owners & Industry Professionals
Straight talk reporting that educates and inspires timeshare owners and industry leaders, since 1991.
Timesharing has a unique place in the hospitality industry. There is no other segment of the industry that has simultaneously delivered a truly happy travel experience for owners and their families, while suffering a terrible reputation in the mainstream media. Since our inception, we have published hundreds of articles from owners who write about their positive experiences. Along with those upbeat commentaries, we have warned about scams that have stolen millions of dollars of owners with false promises of having a “buyer” who doesn’t exist. We've been the trusted resource for all things timeshare, since 1991.
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U.S. Attorney’s Office Provides Outreach in Advance of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Timeshare Scams among the warnings In recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15, 2024, and due to the prevalence of financial fraud against older adults, the U.S. […]
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On the road again: Traveling with cats
By Ann Gillett, Rockledge, FL Traveling with cats may seem unconventional, but for those of us with feline companions, it’s a journey filled with love and occasional challenges. This article […]
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Ghouls, witches, and glowing Jack-O’-Lanterns
Halloween in America has transformed from an ancient Celtic ritual to a vibrant celebration marked by ghouls, gourds, and glowing Jack-O’-Lanterns. Rooted in rich traditions and stories from various cultures, […]
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Tips for Selling Your Timeshare: A Seller’s Guide
Are you looking to unload your timeshare and embark on a new adventure? Selling a timeshare can be daunting, but with the right knowledge and strategies, you can successfully navigate […]
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